Solar Radio presentation given at the SCARS meeting in November 2017 by Bill Burkett
Kokeshi Doll Germaphone Write Up
Introduction to SDR Radio world – SDR, Software Defined Radio
Basic radio restoration session-1.pdf – Outlines the tools, methods and lessons learned to restore antiques.
Dawn of Radio – Pavek Museum Newsletter, Inside: The Dawn of Radio and The Mysterious Space Echo
Rádio Majestic Modelo 20 Grigsby Grunow 1931 Please check out the video from Richard Majestic’s Brazilian email pen-pal Moreas. He spent over a year rebuilding this Grigsby-Grunow Majestic 20. He gave him a lot of moral support and some technical help along the way. People like Moreas make this radio restoration and collecting worth while.
Sparton mirrored radios Sparton Mirrored Radios, designed by Walter Dorwin Article by Ed Brady
The Radio Repair Workshop The Repairing workshop describes the tools, Analysis, the process of repairing and the alignment and testing involved.
Knight, by Allied, Portable Superheterodyne by Richard Majestic
A Presentation about a little known Radio, the Airway by John Anthes