Meeting Details

Next Meeting:
Except for the Summer/Fall picnics and the Christmas Party meetings are held at the Q-lab and we welcome visitors.

Find an Interactive Map to the QuelGoogle-Map2ab here or click on the map.

680 Haines Avenue NW,    ABQ
Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month (except for special events and picnics) beginning at 1:00PM with a auction/swap meet, followed by a meeting indoors at 2 pm. 

QUELAB Policies

Our Board of Directors have set the policies below; these are less-forceful than the Bylaws (the organizing document) but more weighty than the mundane operational procedures. Adding new or editing policies requires Board consensus.

The Open Carrying of Firearms in the Quelab Building is Prohibited.

Anyone not in compliance must Leave! Quelab endorses only legal activities on our premises, so the manufacturing or modification of firearms is prohibited. Fantasy weapons should be readily distinguishable as something other than a functional firearm.

– Section 3. Termination of Membership. The membership, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of members present at a monthly meeting in Albuquerque, may suspend or expel a member for cause.